Tossed out for your consideration:
- Science explained for the non-scientist. WhatIsScience ?
- Polyvocality — the idea that everyone gets to comment on whatever. Science tends to let just scientists talk about science. See Ian Hodder on Catal Hoyuk — — especially the Discussions with the Goddess community.
- Popular images of science and scientists; scientists' attitudes toward popularizations of science. See Cornelius's article on PopularArchaeology
- WasteflakeFiction
- Quibbles and Bits. Great name. What should it be?
- HaveUniverseNeedName
- Informational dustbunnies
- Dreaming
- WabiSabi — Thoughts on Design
- Take a look at OneSentenceStories
- Preservation of CD Roms and longevity issues, called DeadMediaWorry
- IndependentScholar Movement (really really half-baked)
- TheElection2004 a place to react/recover.
- SinceYouAsked — a blog of ideas to no good purpose.