

Hi I know that W spoke of what the feds will do, but this still applies to the task as hand. G

Sour Grapes and Saddle Sores

George Hirst

But it Ain’t Broke! for 9/15/05

We have learned a lesson. It is dismaying and embarrassing, but we have learned that we can and do help people.

There were mistakes made. Here are two: One, We the public allowed bureaucrats to be in charge of things we do best among ourselves. We allowed candidates for office to make promises that not only should not be made, but they made rules that could not be kept, and they had no clue where the money was coming from to make the promise work. We should have laughed in their faces, instead of letting them "take over."

Two, The bureaucrats get so enamored of their positione and power that they first make regulations that are ridiculous. They set the ways and places their promises could be carried out.

The Bureaucrats claim to be able to fix things - but they" ain’t broke." An odd thing here, the "things" they promise to fix will never be the same, they don’t need fixing, they need to be dealt with, they are disasters, not problems. We have let them tell us how to do things and have limit our participation.

The Gulf Coast disaster involved 90,000 acres, the size of Illinois and Indiana together, of land under water. We have already moved beyond what the "government" can do and would have done it long before now if they hadn’t gotten in our way with their rules and their claiming to have answers.

To further the problem, bureaucrats behave as if the money they promise and the help they will give is theirs. Those dollars and those hours come from volunteers. We are not only contributing heavily in dollars but thousands of volunteer hours are already going into the Katrina Hurricane disaster. It is our time and our money.

The people on the Gulf Coast need to keep close watch on the way dikes and other things are kept up. The citizens of this country must watch who we elect and appoint to positions of responsibility. All us are in for a culture shock. The Evacuees from the Gulf Coast area were forced to move out. They will need to live a different way for some time. The rest of us will learn about their way of life and will need, with care and concern, to be present to their need. Hopefully we are going to remember this - and pay more attention to the needy of the world as persons.

A disaster is a disaster, not something to be fixed. There are all sorts of disasters. We can never expect to be able to call in a repairman - be it an army or help for people in distress. In other words, folks, it ain’t broke - it needs be to attended to and whatever needs doing done. Before we start blaming bureaucrats we need to remember that a finger pointed at a person - has a hand with four fingers pointing at the blamer.

In the September Issue of Habitat World, the retiring CEO of Habatat for Humanity, Paul Leonard used the phrase, "change management". He was writing about a necessary quality for a candidate to take his place. I believe it is a quality necessary for a changed nation from the Katrina Hurricane. We cannot throw some time and money at the destruction in the Gulf Coast and then go on about our lives. The Changing event we have encountered is to be managed. It will manage a world into that kinder, gentler one if we will work at it. We must do that.


Created by KKris. Last Modification: Thursday 11 of March, 2010 13:10:25 EST by steve.